Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Congratulations Montana

We have ourselves a brand new senator!

I know that Jon will make us proud and that his best friend will be there to steady him through the next phase of his journey.

Last night we learned exactly how difficult the road ahead will be. It's tough but we're tougher.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Election Problems Galore!

I don't think that anybody really understands what the problem was with the vote counting tonight, but something wasn't right in the Flathead, and I noticed that Yellowstone County has zero votes counted because they were counting the votes again.

It was an ugly night for the Democrats who worked so hard to give the governor what he needs to keep Montana moving forward, but we will all keep waiting to see what's left when the irregularities get worked out.

Voting Stories

It was the thing to do or to have done earlier if you wanted to be anybody at all in our neck of the woods. How was it in your area?

Monday, November 06, 2006

Understandably Pitiful

I just caught the repeat of KAJ's news program and could not help noticing how few people showed up for Conman Burns in Missoula.

Completely understandably Justifiable.