Thursday, August 18, 2005

President Bush, Clean Up Your Mess!

I couldn't disagree more with the position Dave has taken in a discussion about our responsibilities to Iraq, not that it matters bacause it doesn't. We've agree on all the important things like this being an out of control mess and that our responsibility should not end the day we run right out of there, but Dave thinks we should commit a lot more troops to stabilize the place yada yada yada.

I think we need to invalidate all that private contractor crapola and pull them out of there right now so the Iraqis have something to do instead of blowing each other up then negotiate our way out, but it does not matter.

That's it, it does not matter what Dave thinks or what I think; we won't get a say in it any more than we got a say about going over there and wrecking the joint anyway.

President Bush is going to do what he wants to do the same way he always does, but he needs a scapegoat; we should not step up to the plate for that.

We are completely helpless in this situation. Every citizen in this country could light candles, make posters, call their Congresspeople and do weave blankets with our toes and we would still be the one and only place for us in the end. Holding the bag, taking the blame for years to come.

Space thinks we need to set conditions for our support and let people know our choices are a,b, and c. Why tell people anyway, everybody already thinks they know everything they are willing to hear.

Step back, let go. The President and his neocons insist that they're grown ups doing a terriffic job; the people who believe them will never believe us anyway. Step back and let them see how well their President does without his scapegoats.


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