Saturday, August 13, 2005

Get Up, Stand Up

The extremely non political (absolutely not intended to psychologically manipulate anyone in any way)because the New York Times (aka CARLYLE)won a lawsuit to get of 15 hours of FDNY September 11 radio archives released has really excited some folks.

The timing of this release, quite coincidently, converges with the publicity blitz that Deranged Donny is running about the September 11 Aniversary Celebration and Propaganda Party the Pentagon has planned.

Free matching commemorative T shirts!
State sponsored march!
Live music!

All this military dictactorship type of stuff gets to be too much for honorable Americans to bear, an extremely pissed off Fixer reminds the military that they took an oath to the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and that the CONSTITUTION needs their attention.


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