Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Lazy Thinking and Dangerous Consequences

Ted Koppel ended an hour long show about the wreckage by saying that we are a nation of optomists, but that it's foolish not to plan for a terrorist attack because someday one of them will get us.

We can't plan how to deal with the aftermath of fire, floods, flu pandemics, earthquakes, hurricanes, train derailments, chemical spills, or major disruptions in the food supply, or even minor ones like keeping cattle on vegetarian diets so we don't all waste away from mad cow disease. Plan for terrorism. Right.

We haven't got any of that other stuff figured out, but if we did, we could transfer all that knowlege to the aftermath of any terrorist attack. But nobody wants to think about that. Ignorance is bliss and flirting with disaster is downright orgasmic.

The University of Wisconsin is preparing to release to release five strains of genetically modified antibiotic resistant bacteria and some genetically modified antibiotic resistant fungus as well. There does not appear to be any commercial application for this very potentially dangerous risk. The last day to comment on it is September 15, 2005?

Who really believes that the only thing we should worry about or plan for are groups of brown men with the same names?


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