Monday, March 21, 2005

Social Security 4 Sale

Those madcap patriots, Billionaires For Bush, would do anything to give their guy a hand:

Due to the surprising failure of carefully staged "conversations" across America to convince the American Public that Privatizing Social Security is a good thing, we have decided to take matters into our own hands.

As a favor to President Bush and offered exclusively here to the winning bidder who meets our reserve, (must be a private Brokerage Firm, see details below) Billionaires For Bush can't wait to pull the switch on retirement security by circumventing Congress, the Will of the People, and good sense. Why not cut right to the chase?

Concurrent with White House Goals and the Cato Institute, we're


$ Right now the system pays benefits to retirees, widoweds, disabled people, and orphans.

$ It is also one of the cheapest and most cost efficient government-run systems.

$ BUT, there is a major flaw in all of this; Wall St. isn’t cut into the deal!

$ Bid today and put Social Security on the market! It may be a gamble for the many, but it’s a sure thing for the lucky few here on Wall St – we make our commissions whether the market goes up or down!

via the Daou Report


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