Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Pesticide Babies

Today is the last day for public comment for the grand scam to pay poor people to let them poison their kids.

Today is also a fine day to tell your congressmen that you aren't buying into this legislation that will exempt drug companies from any liability resulting from a use of their products.

The proposal protects manufacturers from even gross negligence and reckless behavior, but provides no compensation for first responders and ordinary individuals who may suffer serious illness or death as a result of taking a public health emergency vaccine or other countermeasure. Moreover, the provision is being put together in a backroom deal—it was not passed by either the House or the Senate, nor was it ever debated on either Chamber’s floor.
Any legislation that provides liability protections to manufacturers without ensuring that first responders and others injured by emergency vaccines and other countermeasures are compensated is extremely unfair and short-sighted.

Go Tell Congress what's on your mind

* From Alliance for Justice@afi.org.