Sunday, August 21, 2005

Groupie In Chief

Bush jumpstarted his mojo by biking with a real winner before he starts out on his five day magical mystery Idaho/Utah pro war tour; everything is superterriffic, so good I hate to pause long enough to say so long to 1863 and 1864,

Really, it is ask Lambert who is not angry or hateful about a lot of stuff although Gary is a wee bit cranky about some court approved beatings and injustices that have occurred in Orange County California as well as the unnecessarily heavy handed approach police in Pitsburg took with a couple of protestors.

The NYT printed a thorough story about Peak Oil and Bill Bennet gets the go ahead and the public funding to indoctrinate the young'uns in Philly, but Dick Cheney hasn't started Armageddon yet.

It's really groovy when the leader of the free world acts like a starstruck teenybopper, don't cha think?


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