Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Burns Wants To Double Tax Us

We always say that if you don't like the weather to wait five minutes and it will change. We say that, but we check it anyway. We check the radio, the paper, the T.V., the horizon and the neighbors. We're always checking to see what we should wear, if we can or should plant, harvest, hay, ski, climb or kayak.

We want to know and sometimes our lives and livelihoods depend on it. Good thing we all have access to the National Weather Service that we pay for with our tax dollars.

Oh wait. Conrad Burns and Rick Santorum wrote a letter to the OMB in 2003 demanding that the National Weather Service stop competing with the private sector.
I knew and have complained about Rick Santorum's idea that we should subsidize The Weather Channel so they can sell our information back to us--but I had no idea that Conrad Burns wanted the same thing.

It does seeem pretty consistent with his recent performance though; we pay him then he sells his services to the highest bidders.


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