Sunday, June 19, 2005

Only Innocents Died There

The moral authority of leaving your cancerous wife destitute for a younger one has spoken:

“Nine million innocent human beings were murdered in Hitler’s death camps, nearly three million perished in the gulags under Stalin, and more than one and a half millions were slaughtered in the killing fields of Cambodia at the hand of Pol Pot. And while not a single terrorist has died in detention at Guantanamo ( we don't know that nobody died there, only that Newt says no terrorists died there), Durbin sees fit to liken our American service men and women (I'm sure all those private contractors are fine upstanding moral citizens who deserve to remain invisible and unspoken of as well) to the terrifying murderers of three despotic regimes.”

Here's a tip Newt: listen to the entire speech, not just the parts you can twist to make it seem like he doesn't represent us.

By the way Newt, when are you going to try out the practices you think are fine and dandy? Can we watch?


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