Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Lions 1000, Christians 1

Not that it matters if there is an occasional survivor, the Romans will just add more lions and throw him back in.

It is the classic entertainment of all time. Raise your bets and open the gates!

I know that we want to believe the Christian was vinicated and set loose to be respected by all, but that is just not the case. Anyone who would wager on the backs of human beings does not adhere to the same ethical standards the rest of us do.

It would be foolish to believe they had any moral standards at all.

Juan has already survived a malicious SLAPP suit and has been thrown back in with more lions. That this is even an issue is just ridiculous and it falls squarely on the shoulders of our corporate controlled media empire.

Their presentation of Goldberg as an expert worthy of our time when he hasn't read a single book or had any first hand experience is fraudulent.

If the cotton candy manufacturers paid a five year old to say that cotton candy is nutritious then presented him to the world as a nutritional expert would anyone believe it?

Goldberg is the five year old boy getting paid the big bucks to tell everybody that cotton candy is a well balanced meal.


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