Monday, February 07, 2005

Social Security Update

Dick Cheney and George Bush agree with us. There is no crisis. Private accounts won't help the potential shortfall.

Dick and George want to spend more money to dismantle the program than it would cost to fully fund it for the next 75 years.


I want a counter proposal on the Bush Budget. Most twelve year olds have better priorities and more sense than this administration.

I propose starting here:

Cut Secret Service funding by 70%

repeal the most irresponsible tax cuts

Whack the drug war and prison racket

Make pharma and military companies compete for our business.


Blogger thehim said...

I want a counter proposal on the Bush Budget.There may not be a chance until after 2006. I never thought that we'd see a nation so happily vote itself down the toilet. It's a good thing everyone is paying attention this time and writing it all down. Hopefully, this society will be the last great society to do this to itself.

10:42 PM  

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