Friday, June 04, 2004

why does it say to report to Bush?

Feeling the draft yet?

28 million has been added to the 2004 Selective Service System (SSS) budget to prepare for a military draft that could start as early as June 15, 2005. Selective Service must report to Bush on March 31, 2005 that the system, which has lain dormant for decades, is ready for activation. Please see website: to view the sss annual performance plan - fiscal year 2004.


Congress brought twin bills, S. 89 and HR 163 forward this year, entitled the Universal National Service Act of 2003, "to provide for the common defense by requiring that all young persons [age 18--26] in the United States, including women, perform a period of military service or a period of civilian service in furtherance of the national defense and homeland security, and for other purposes." These active bills currently sit in the committee on armed services.

Everybody talks about what a fiasco Irac is. I disagree. It seems to be going according to their plan, the worse it is the more lives and dollars they get to waste. If anyone ever cared about getting it right, the appointees would have been competent, experienced, and would not have been involved with prior human rights violations.


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