Saturday, July 16, 2005

The President is Depending On You!

How long can these partisan attacks on brother Karl continue? I blame Bush and you should, too!

Our President has led a courageous battle to stand behind his man, but if he does not get some serious grassroots action real soon, somebody is certain to start asking about the big picture, they will start asking about decisions not to tell the Vice President what he didn't want to hear

Some have asked Karl to resign or to be fired, others have started to question Ari, the faggots are going after Scotty,and the hardcore liberals have started digging into The Iraq Survey Group. It is imperative that patriotic christian soldiers send Karl a letter of love and support before Joe and Gennifer six pack start asking why we started this war that burns up a billion dollars a week and has cost the empire 1762 American soldiers.

It is true that our beloved President Bush was born into his position in life, but there are too many questions being asked, we are losing our chokehold an any adversarial decision making and he desperately needs your help today.

Send brother Karl some love right now!


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